Every Project Begins with a Solid Foundation
Drew Company takes on development projects we know, in cities we understand. With a proven track record of managing risk and generating revenue, every new venture is carefully sourced, vetted and enhanced with a collaborative team of world class architects, builders, and designers.
Drew Company has a strong team in place to deliver operational expertise with meticulous attention to detail. Uniquely versed in upscale hospitality industry practice, client and customer service at each of the properties under Drew management is unparalleled.
Development that makes a difference.
The Drew Company is devoted to exceeding client expectations. To demonstrate a commitment to our client-centered company culture, we are proud to introduce CARE (Clients Are Really Everything). Our CARE program focuses on customer relationships by recognizing and rewarding loyalty through the development of various programs and directives designed to deliver added value.
Personal meeting and customer profiles complete with onsite preferences for a customized experience
- A dedicated Guest Recognition Coordinator to create memorable moments
- Discounts, added value amenities and personalized services
- Tower Hour: a monthly social and networking event for the tenants of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
- Exclusive invitations to our signature events
- Client “Event Survival Kits” packed with essentials for a busy day at our managed facilities
– Cassandra Hardin, Executive Assistant, Ameson Education & Cultural Exchange Foundation